Where Do I Start?

Building your dream can be a great adventure. Design is an exciting, creative process, and there is nothing quite like seeing your vision take shape. At the same time, tales of cost overruns, construction delays, and complex zoning and building code requirements can be enough to send anyone running to the nearest subdivision.

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How Can I Get the Most From My Architect?

There’s no such thing as a blank slate. Share where you’re coming from as well as where you want to go. We start many projects with a personal “spatial” history that helps us understand our clients from the inside out. Collect images that resonate for you. Describe a place that remains vivid in your memory many years later.

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What Can I Do To Control Costs?

Remodeling can take its toll on your patience as well as your pocketbook. Being clear about your priorities and realistic about your resources at the outset can save countless headaches once construction starts. Think twice about doing part of the work yourself or living in your house during a major remodel. Don’t underestimate the impact of noise, dust, debris, and early morning work hours on your family.

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